Star Wars Memories
I was Junior in High school living in a small northern Michigan town. I didn't hear about Star Wars until weeks after its release. The town I lived in had one theater and one screen so it took a while before movies came around.
I actually can't recall when I saw it first.It wasn't until the second movie, The Empire Strikes Back that I remember everyone getting excited. "No way Vader it Luke's father! He was lying!" all my friends would say, and many a pleasant nerd argument ensued. There was a special flavor to the ignorance we had back then before the internet. We weren't instantly proved wrong by a smart-guy with a smart phone but we were able to believe what we wanted for years, until the next movie came out
and turned your opinion upside down. Then you would of course say "I always knew that was true," in classic revisionist style. You didn't have old Facebook posts on record of you saying the opposite.
Well the galaxy moves on and we now will be barraged with every scrap of information about the movie for months. Things we don't need or care to know. Things like how long it took to shoot this scene or that scene, or how much the catering bill was, or how regular the lead actor's bowels were during shooting. We live in the Too Much Information age. Maybe if the force is with me I won't hear any spoilers before I actually see the new movie, but that would be science fiction.